Z – Zetland
GB&I Golf Course Review – Z to A
Over the next 26 days, I am going to showcase one venue/location a day for GB&I Golf Courses. It is my ode to some great golf starting backwards today with the letter Z. The full write up can be found on golfgurugroup blogspot too, so there is no missing out on that extra little bit of information.

Look out for the daily influx of unique, quirky, amazing golf courses across the GB & I can offer.
In 1975 Zetland became Shetland.
Whilst Shetland is singular in speech, Shetland is actually an archipelago of nearly 100 islands in the North Sea, with a population in excess of 22 thousand. Only 16 of these islands are inhabited and our focus for this golf course is Shetland main Island, just outside Lerwick, being the main town.
Whilst I have a daughter and her family living in Shetland, and having driven past the golf course multiple times, I am sad to say, I have not played the course, yet. So have sought help from their friendly management committee.

Unique in its location Shetland Golf club surpassed only by the wonderful honesty box system. (Currently being replaced by an on-line booking system during covid times). I love it when an honesty box is in play, it tells me so much about the club, and its members.
With just one green keeper on the books their volunteer system is second to non. With around 20 to 30 members giving up a few hours each week to repair the ditches, trim the grass and the never ending task of cutting fairways.
Being so far North
The weather does come into play. During summer you can pretty much play 24 hours with a longest day comp starting at 8pm. On the opposite spectrum, winter golf is only playable for 5 to 6 hours a day.
Be mindful to take plenty of golf balls, not for the terrain so much as the crows who take delight in taunting the golfers by stealing their golf balls whilst in play! I wouldn’t mind being the one to find that treasure trove of golf balls stashed somewhere near the golf club – but never in the hole!!

Shetland itself is a beautiful totally unspoilt location, with the golf course within a natural fold of the rugged landscape funnelling towards the North Sea. You can sometimes spot killer whales (Orca) hunting the prolific seals off the coast.
With a 300 strong membership Sheltand Golf Club also enjoys a thriving junior section (6 to 17 years) of 30. The Junior section is run by volunteer coaches who are keen to see a good mix of female and male children taking up golf.
Whilst Shetland might not be everyones cup of tea, for the nature lovers amongst us, it is a true gem. Just don’t forget to pack your golf clubs and enjoy a round of golf at Shetland GC. Thats what Im going to be doing next time I’m visiting my daughter
Membership from £150 with guest rates at £30 a round
Shetland Golf Club, Dale Gott, Shetland, ZE2 9SB
And just in case you’re not too sure where Shetland is, look North Scotland then look higher up! In fact Shetland is so far North it isn’t always shown on the map of GB&I! An overnight ferry from Aberdeen or a short one hour flight from Inverness. Other airports in the UK serve Shetland, but may not be direct flights.
Look out for more letters in the Z to A of GB&I Golf Course reviews
Shetland Golf Club Facebook page